“It’s your attitude, not your aptitude that will determine your altitude.” – Zig Ziglar
Years ago, I noticed my mother had a negative way of looking at most things in life. She was always looking at the downside or the things that could go wrong. After seeing this pattern, I developed a habit of saying a positive comment to every negative one she said. It didn’t change her, but it helped me tremendously. I developed a habit that took hold and stayed for a long time. I thank the heavens my mother is not around these days. As it was her nature, she would have become immersed in the news and be extremely frightened. This would have truly been the end of days for life on earth, according to her.
Although I don’t watch the news (we gave up our cable long ago), outside forces and influence still affect my thinking and attitude. Our environment easily sways our thinking and how we respond and express ourselves. It’s easy to have a positive attitude when life is going well, but as daily living gets tougher, we need to stop and see how we are reacting.
I have lately felt grumpy and negative more often than I should. I realized I was beginning to sound like a cranky old lady, and it made me stop in my tracks and think of my mother. Immediately I came up with all kinds of excuses of how today is different, but deep down I knew I needed to adjust my attitude with some altitude, meaning to get it out of the abyss I was digging myself into.
Having a negative attitude will hold consequences. People do not want to be around a person who can suck all the good out of the air, and that is what a negative attitude will do. Many of us are dealing with additional pressures we didn’t have a few years ago. How are you handling that pressure? Are you fearful, angry, and sad? Although you may not be saying it out loud, your family, friends, and business acquaintances can sense and recognize it. Maybe you’re not satisfied and believe things could be better. If so, look at positive actions you can take.
We have a choice of how we handle the daily pressure we face. Changing an attitude can alter the way we view the world. You have the power to change your attitude and the way you view life. A positive attitude is not fake. It’s about developing a habit of looking for ways to accept and move forward. The way we respond can benefit our own mental state.
A good start is to assess what it is you need to adjust. What is the underlying reason for your negative attitude? Perhaps you need to adjust the outside exposure you are receiving from the world and regulate how often you are being subjected to these outside sources. Set goals that will help you change. Change can be difficult – and if you dwell on the struggle, it will be! Don’t fear mistakes and take risks. Use the word yet. Instead of “I can’t figure it out” use “I haven’t figured it out yet, but I will.” That little three letter word has the power to change your negative attitude into opportunity thinking.
Keep looking at what you are trying to achieve and think about the rewards of what you are working toward. Remember, giving your best will leave you with no regrets. We can waste too much time trying to manage everything we have little control over. The only thing we can control, and impact is our thoughts, beliefs, and mindset.
Don’t make excuses, make progress. Accept responsibility and show gratitude for the chance to be better at life. Attitude can make a big difference in all aspects of our lives.
“Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about something, then you have the time to do something about it.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo
Robin Anne Griffiths is a certified master development coach, personal trainer, behavior change consultant, and yoga instructor. She specializes as a movement instructor for senior populations. Her mission is to help with living a fuller and healthier life as you age. Her Better You Series is three unique programs tailored to help with positive changes in diet, fitness, and life direction. She works with groups and individuals on life transitions to create personal balance – physically and mentally. You can find more information at her website.