Years ago, when I lived in South Carolina, I took part in a 10K run (6.2 miles) each year in Charleston. This was an exciting run because it began in Mount Pleasant and ended in Downtown Charleston after crossing the Cooper River Bridge, which is 573 feet high. It was a fun run because people lined the streets cheering and high-fiving the runners while bands played inspiring music along the course to keeping everyone going. It was also an intimidating run. Six miles with a very large bridge to get across. One year the theme was “Get Over It” and while running many of the local radio stations and bands were playing the Eagles rendition of the theme.
I’m telling you this because I was listening to a speaker talking about how we look at our future. She was asking the audience to think about what they wished for and if they were avoiding going after it because of fear or another reason. She pointed out how we avoid looking at what we want out of life because we realize we are not there and more than likely not even close. She asked questions such as, “Is this the best it’s going to get? Are you giving up on your dreams? Are you stuck?” Her point was to work on how to get from here to there and find whatever it is holding you back. In other words, get over it, and move forward.
Do you find yourself stuck? Perhaps there are things in your life you wanted to accomplish but haven’t for whatever reason, challenge or adversity. You became stuck, and either gave up or decided to delay getting what you wanted. Why? Perhaps you are feeling pressured, not organized, fearful, or worthy.
Often, we don’t realize how strong we are and the power we hold to carry us through many obstacles in life. We discount our feelings, thoughts and desires. If all this sounds familiar, then I would recommend you start with facing the fact you want something and need to find a way to obtain it. Is it something you really desire? Or a passing thought? If you have passion for something it will be easier to work toward accomplishing and acquiring your wish.
Here are a few suggestions that may help you move forward and gain the things you want:
You may need to work on your outlook on life, and face your fears. Start by distinguishing what is fact and fiction then stop making excuses and incorporate change.
Are you looking at life with a positive or negative attitude? If you are seeing the negative side of life, then you most likely will find yourself stuck. Negative attitudes will be the ‘can’t do it’ in your life.
Fear can halt many adventures as well as accomplishments in life. Is the voice in your head stopping you from taking steps forward? Check to see if your fears are valid or just stopping you because it’s an unknown and you are uncomfortable with the idea.
This leads to if your mind is dealing with a fact or fiction. Are your emotions controlling your thoughts and keeping you from moving to the next step? Perhaps sitting down and making a list of the reasons you are stuck may show you that feelings, not facts, are stopping you.
Finally, stop making excuses and start making changes. It is easy to make an excuse not to do something. From I don’t have time, to not feeling like it, as well as the multitude of things we feel are more important. Stop. Find the time and incorporate small variations in your daily schedule. You will be amaze how over time you have taken many steps to get to where you want to be.
Once you get unstuck, it gives you a feeling like getting to the other side of the Cooper River Bridge. You feel powerful from accomplishing something that was challenging but achievable. You faced the task and overcame the fear, emotion, or whatever reason that was holding you back. You Got Over It!
“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” ~Unknown