Change It’s all about attitude and focus.

Have you made more changes in your life these days? We have alternated our life in many ways including how we work, shop, and communicate with others. I have spent a lifetime facing change. Often, I have embraced doing things differently, but sometimes I am going in kicking and screaming. In my past I found the more I resisted change, life seemed to get a little harder.  I also found that accepting and moving forward regardless of how I felt often turned out to be the overall best thing for me. Whether you are shifting where you live, altering your career, or who is in your life; change can be a wonderful experience. We only need to open our eyes to see what it brings to us.

It’s all about attitude and focus. I remember when I moved to the Middle East Back in the 1980s. This was a massive change for a small-town Missouri girl who had only flown twice in her life. Although I feared the unknown, I was also excited to explore an unknown world. What I discovered from this experience is people overall react to change differently. They either embrace change and learn from it or reject it and hide. Those who hide lose a wealth of experiences and learning opportunities. 

I still have fears today that I wrestle with, but now know change can bring enjoyable things to me. I look forward to new encounters that will enrich my life. Whether it’s learning a new skill, changing relationships, or moving into an unfamiliar area; it’s not about the change itself, but how you look and accept it into your life.

Welcoming change can be difficult. I believe attitude makes all the difference about an experience when things don’t go as planned. Are you thinking it was a waste of time or not worth the effort? Or are you seeing how the experience taught you something and enriched your life? Many ventures I tried didn’t always work out as planned, but from this I learned and gained skills that continued with me to this day.

We have constant change in our lives. Today more than ever. We gain and lose businesses, homes, jobs, friends, and family members. It’s difficult and, yes, sometimes it does feels like rocket science. You will experience change if you are living and not just existing.

Are you letting life pass you by or are you making things happen? We get to choose how we think and accept the adjustments in our life. Are you resisting or are you growing?

Robin Anne Griffiths is a published author, certified master development coach, personal trainer and behavior change specialist. She works with groups and individuals on life transitions to create personal balance – physically and mentally.