Is It Too Late To Start A New Beginning?

This was a question asked of me just recently.  My first thought was seriously?  Do you believe there is a time to decide not to take on a new dream or change in your life?  Every day we are beginning again.   You may not realize it, but each morning when we rise and start our day, we have an opportunity.  We can look at the world and react accordingly.  Think you’re stuck in your current destination? Perhaps you just don’t believe you are capable of new endeavors.  Think again.  Our world is full of different scenarios of which we can affect the outcome of the day by our actions. 

Let’s begin at home. We have options how we treat family. For example, we can show them gratitude and patience.  Have you only looked for what you are receiving from loved ones or are you giving first with no expectations? Compromise will go a long way to change the direction how a family connects with each other.  Family is more work than many of the situations we interact with daily.  We often take our love ones for granted instead of giving them the attention we should.  How you are directing your attention and should you be making adjustments.

Career is another place to generate a new outlook and see an opportunity.   You may think you are stuck in your current situation?  Begin by looking at what you have available to you and what your attitude is during the day. We can reinvent our self by continuing to learn.  Perhaps you can’t change careers at this point in life, but you can direct energy into being the greatest in your situation. Find the things you do well and be the absolute best you can.  Put effort into your day as if you are working for you and you alone.  You may find your day is brighter and your engagement is better.

Are you open to learning?  Whether you are self-employed or work for a corporation, you can  increase your knowledge.  Whatever your business interest, read more on how it works.  You may find a new direction as you absorb information about what you do daily.

Passion and hobbies can lead to new endeavors.  Many people begin a new career or side business that developed from what they enjoy.  Several people, through education, have taken their interest and become an expert in their field. For example, perhaps you enjoy cooking, gardening or sports and can teach others.  Look at what you love and how you may expand that passion into a new life for yourself.  Every day are recreating our self and many of us do it more than once in a lifetime.

Exploring your world is another way of starting new each day.  Look around you and find the beauty in nature.  Take a moment during the day to notice everything between the sunrise and sunset.  Enjoy the expansive night sky and stars.  Whether it’s in another part of the world or in your own backyard, note the wonder of our world and all it provides and offers us.  You will marvel how we are part of the universe. 

Each day is a gift and you have the choice on how you use your gift. No, we are never too old to start something new. We only have to try. 

“I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.” Maya Angelou

Robin Anne Griffiths is a published author, certified master development coach, personal trainer and behavior change specialist. She works with groups and individuals on life transitions to create personal balance – physically and mentally.