Taking Care Of You!

Learning About Self-care

What is your definition of self-care? I find it interesting what others think of when the subject of self-care comes up. Most often I hear the idea of self-care as self-indulgence such as the spa, an evening out with friends, retail shopping therapy, eating your forbidden food, drinking wine, or a vacation holiday. What I don’t hear is taking care of health, finding time to decompress, focusing on internal awareness and self-love.

Do you have time for everyone but you? You have good intentions, but overall you find yourself empty with little energy. You tell yourself that tomorrow will be different, then repeat the same pattern over. Are you neglecting the most important person you know? I am talking about YOU!

Let’s talk about self-care and how you can incorporate more of it into your life. 

Taking care of yourself is the first big step in finding inner peace, self-discipline, healthy boundaries, and confidence. So, what are some ways you can adapt more self-care into your life?

Make A List

Start by listing items that contribute to your wellbeing. Often, we need to change our work and personal life to help with our mental, physical, and emotional state. An example could be swapping social media time to read a book. Another possibility might be a nature walk once a week or getting creative in the kitchen by trying new recipes. Perhaps you need fewer toxic individuals and more positive people in your life. Look for folks who will fill you up rather than drain you. Each person has different needs, so your list may be distinct from someone else.

Healthy Boundaries

Look for roadblocks that could deprive you from accomplishing your list. Plan by scheduling items as an appointment. You will most likely go to a scheduled doctor or dental appointment. So, treat your self-care activities the same way. If your plan is to start the morning with a ten-minute walk, then put it on your calendar just like any other meeting. This meeting with yourself will build a long-term habit.

Quiet Time

Finding time to be still and present can be rewarding. It can be as simple as setting in stillness and focusing on how you feel. Perhaps you will use this time for self-reflection, meditating, reading, or journaling. It may manifest itself when enjoying a hobby or other recreational endeavors. Quieting the mind can help with self-love and inner strength. Quiet time can create emotional balance and help us see more clearly.

Keep In Touch

Connections with others can help us overall. This may be a friend, family member or mentor. Be engaged with someone you enjoy talking to and schedule time to call or meet often. Be present when together and not distracted to enjoy the emotional connection.

Be Mindful

Whether you are cooking, eating, walking, or talking, be mindful of the moment. By paying attention to our actions, we are more careful of what we are doing and how it affects us. For example, many of us eat without notice of the texture or taste. Focus on nature’s beauty and if talking to someone, listen to them. Immerse yourself in whatever you are doing and enjoy it completely.

Embracing Change

Whatever you are incorporating into your life as part of a self-care program, remember change is going to happen. Look for transformation and plan for the shift in your schedule. Take baby steps to ease more self-nurturing into your daily routine and see the change that blossoms. We can strive for these different self-care paths each day. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming, only a conscious effort that will become a habit in the future. I hope you find time for YOU this year and give yourself the care and love you deserve.

“Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment,” Stephen Covey.

Robin Anne Griffiths is a certified master development coach, personal trainer, behavior change consultant, and yoga instructor. She specializes as a movement instructor for senior populations. Her mission is to help with living a fuller and healthier life as you age. Her Better You Series is three unique programs tailored to help with positive changes in diet, fitness, and life direction. She works with groups and individuals on life transitions to create personal balance – physically and mentally. You can find more information at her website