Ten Steps To Find Motivation For A Better You

Have you found yourself in the morning resolved to change habits and by evening it has disappeared?  What are your road blocks?  Going out to eat?  Unexpected guests? Started a project and time got away from you?  Becoming over-whelmed, or you didn’t feel like it later in the day? The secret is to find motivation and have a plan you can stick to for the long term.  So where to start?  What is stopping you? I have a few thoughts to help you become more accountable to what you are trying to accomplish.

#1 – Decide What You Want To Accomplish
What is important enough you will want to stick with it and follow through?  Evaluate your priorities and figure out what is most important and why you want to do it.  For example, if you are looking to lose weight – Is it because you want to look better?  Feel better or something else? If you want to be healthier – Is it because you are trying to prevent future problems, or solve current health issues?  Are you wanting to feel better and stronger? My point is if you don’t buy into the result or big picture, you won’t find motivation to accomplish the wanted result.

#2 – Create A Personal Mission Statement
As silly as this may seem a mission statement is vital because you are deciding what’s important to you; why you are doing it and agreeing to move forward.  When thinking about a mission statement try to keep it simple.  Don’t make it complicated so it will be hard to remember or obtain.  Think basic plan and work from there.  For example, a sample mission statement could be as little as “I will walk five days a week and build up to going ten miles a week.”

#3 – Set Mini Goals
Mini goals are great to keep us excited about what we are doing, and it also helps us change habits.  You can control how many and how often you have mini goals.  For example, you may decide as part of your weight control or healthy eating plan you will delete one item from your menu in the next month.  You may have a mini goal of adding stretching to the end of your workouts.  Or one mini goal may be to drink a certain amount of water daily. When you have these types of mini goals, you see differences in your life plus you feel good about being in control.

#4 – Make Notes
List can be helpful.  It could be something you hang on your bathroom mirror to see each morning, a phone app or an actual to-do list on your calendar.  Don’t over load your list with items you know you cannot handle.  Some people find it works well to have a list of things to accomplish each week and at the end of the week reflect on what happened.  For example, say you want to read an article once a week on strength training techniques.  Or perhaps you decide each week you will try a new recipe that is healthy for you.  Go back to your mission statement and mini goals to see if they are falling in line with the big picture of what you want to accomplish.

#5 – One Task At A Time
How often do we hear the benefits of multi-tasking?  I am here today to tell you to stop and think single tasking!  Why? I bet you do too much at once and instead of something getting done everything is in process. There is something also called slow multi-tasking.  This is having multiple task going on, but you are working on one thing at a time.  If you want to give up sugar, exercise, or give up caffeine then start with one and get it done before moving to the next.  I often tell my fitness clients I’m excited they showed up.  If they can’t do every movement or need to alternate something, it’s okay.  We can build as we go.  The last thing I want is someone to feel uncomfortable, then stop and quit.  Remember single tasking!

#6 – Know Your Strengths And Weaknesses
We all have things we do well and many not so well. For example, you may have the self-discipline to work out regularly but can’t give up the evening dish of ice cream.  Knowing what needs done and owning up to what you do is two very different things.  Make a mental note of where you are strong and where you have weaknesses.  Then work on what you can do to make your strengths even more of an asset and decrease the weaknesses or at least recognize them and chip away on how they are affecting your life.  If getting to the gym is hard to do in the morning but you are better in the afternoons, then plan it.  If you have a weakness for certain foods, then don’t have it in the house or plan how you can indulge and when. 

#7 – Create Partnerships
When possible work with others who have similar goals.  It will make your journey more fun and by sharing ideas it will motivate you to stay on course. When I began my journey, I met with a group who went to the same gym classes at lunch time and had similar goals.  We all became friends and did outings outside the gym.  Our lunch time workouts were like a recess for us in the middle of our day.  It gave us an incentive to go.

#8 – Have Self-Value
So often we put ourselves last on the list of needs.  We take care of everyone else and if there is time left over, we then give to our self.  Reassess your priorities and learn how important it is to have self-care.  Work on adjustments you can do to make sure you are getting the attention you need to be the best person you can be.

# 9 – Getting Feedback
When you go on a journey for change, you can enlist the help of trusted friends to help you stay on track.  Consider who to bring into your circle.  To begin, you need someone that is neutral.  You need to be clear what feedback you are looking for and your expectations.  Look for someone you can talk to about difficulties you are having and what you want to accomplish.  It may be a person you can just report to on whether you are on track.  It’s up to you but often you will be more self-accountable knowing someone knows your goals. I work with several people on goal setting and having a neutral party makes it easier for them to listen to feedback and suggestions.

# 10 – Rewards
Best part of self-accountability is reaping the rewards.  You can set the type and amount of rewards as you need.  For example – small rewards could be a special dessert you enjoy when out at dinner.  A big reward may be a trip or special spa day.  You decide what will motivate you.

Believe in You
Remember there is no cheating in accountability.  It’s your life and you must live with yourself.  If you can take little steps, change will come.  It takes patience and perseverance. Have faith you can change and become the person you want to be. The rewards of altering your attitude can reap a happier and healthier life.  Be persistent and keep moving in the positive direction. Little positive steps daily lead to big change.

“It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.” ― Molière 

Robin Anne Griffiths is a published author, certified master development coach, personal trainer and behavior change specialist. She works with groups and individuals on life transitions to create personal balance – physically and mentally